
れにちゃん『2015年は “花柄系男子” がくると思う。メンズもチェックしてほしいです』“ももクロ×PINK HOUSE” コラボショップ会見 記事公開! I think Les Chang "2015" floral-based men "will come. Men's I want also to check "" peach black × PINK HOUSE "collaboration shop conference article published!


本日より新宿伊勢丹に、“ももクロ×PINK HOUSE” のコラボアイテムを展開するポップアップショップ『PINK HOUSE ―floser shower・永遠の少女性―』がオープンし、開店前にはももクロがマスコミ向けの会見を行ったようで…(^_^)


 1980年代に一斉を風靡した「ピンクハウス(PINK HOUSE)」の花柄に焦点を当てた企画店「PINK HOUSE ~flower shower・永遠の少女性~」が2月18日に、伊勢丹新宿店の2階にオープンした。開店前には広告塔を務めるももいろクローバーZが、「ピンクハウス」とコラボレーションした新柄コレクションを纏って登場。メンズアイテムもそろえていることもあり、メンバーの高城れには「2015年は"花柄系男子"がくると思うんです。メンズもあるのでぜひチェックしてほしいです」と男性ファンにメッセージを送った。


ANGEL EYES:fc.momoclo.net

このコラボアイテムは、伊勢丹のウェブショップでも購入可能ですが、すでに “完売” 表示のアイテムが出てきています…(゚д゚;)

さぁ…2015年に “花柄系男子” デビューする方は どのくらいいるのでしょうか?(*´ェ`*)

The 2015 "floral-based men"?

Shinjuku Isetan than today, "peach black × PINK HOUSE" pop-up shop "PINK HOUSE -floser shower · eternal girl of -" to expand the collaboration item is open, peach black before opening is for the media conference and seem to have done ... (^_^)

The article to tell the state of the conference have been published in the "Fashionsnap" (^_^)
Such as floral, but is often strong collaboration items of cuteness, Chang to swelling in the conference the comment that "Men want also to check" ... (^^)
Please to ♫ the full text from link

Fashionsnap: "2015 is" floral-based men "come" to Isetan of Pink House limited shop also black appearance

(Some quote)
All at once was dominated "Pink House (PINK HOUSE)" of planning shop that focuses on floral "PINK HOUSE ~ flower shower · eternal girl of ~" is on February 18 in the 1980s, two of Shinjuku Isetan I was open to the floor. Momoiro Clover Z, who is a billboard before opening is, appeared wearing a new pattern collection that collaboration with the "Pink House". There is also that it is also aligned Men's items, Takagi Re the members "in 2015 I do think coming" floral-based men ". Because some men I want to check all means," said the message to men fan sent was.

About "Pink House", which has been loved by Seiko Matsuda and Koizumi Kyoko from time of idle from the 1980s, Ayaka Sasaki glad to be able to work with familiar brands from brand. Once upon a time the "mother had been favorite "and I'm glad the collaboration. Kanako Momota leader "and I was worried about whether become so was to short, but it was nice to have suits (laughs) When wear girly clothes you want to tell that it that become more cute" and commented, last I leave each sign giant board that is installed in stores in all the.

AE member's Douzo to AE site ... (⌒-⌒)
ANGEL EYES: fc.momoclo.net

This collaboration item, but is also available for purchase at Isetan web shop, you have come out already "sold out" display of items ... (° д °;)
Now pop-up shop around the three places, so I think there stock in are reserved, If you aim that the item has become a sold out, such as inventory additional timing of web shop or aimed at there the inquiry Try it might may (^_^)

I'm the Toka jumper whose members are wearing conference is likely to go even better Men (^_^)
Well ... in 2015 on whether the Will are how much better to "floral-based men's" debut? (* '~E `*)