
Kiss来日会見で ももいろクローバーZ に賛辞「彼女たちは本当のロックスター」 Tribute to Momoiro Clover Z in Kiss Japan conference "real rock star she us"


コラボユニット・ももいろクローバーZ vs KISSとしてシングル「夢の浮世に咲いてみな」をリリースした縁から、5人は会見終盤にKissのもとへ駆け付けた。ももクロが自己紹介を行うと、Kissの4人も「Z!」と叫んで一緒にポーズを決める。彼女たちはももクロのグッズのはっぴをKissへのプレゼントとして持参。玉井詩織が「Are you "happy"?」とダジャレを言うとKissの4人は喜んでこれを羽織り、トミー・セイヤー(G)は「とてもきれいなプレゼントをありがとう」と感謝を伝えた。

今回のコラボレーションについてポール・スタンレー(Vo, G)は「彼女たちを最初に観たときから素晴らしいと思っていた。ももクロのパフォーマンスはいい意味で日本的で、芸者や相撲といった伝統文化の要素を感じるよ。5人それぞれに個性的だし、ももクロの音楽はいい音楽。そして僕らもいい音楽をやっている。そんな2組が大陸を越えて一緒に何かやったらいいものができるんじゃないかと思ったんだ」とその経緯を語った。Kissと初対面したときの印象について百田夏菜子は「最初はKissさんの大きさと“圧”にびっくりしたけど『友達になってください』と言ったらすぐに仲良くなってくれました!」と笑顔。昨年11月にアメリカ・ラスベガスで行われたビデオクリップの撮影を振り返った玉井は「皆さんの初恋の話を聞いたりしちゃいました」と明かし、トミーも「お互いに打ち解けて楽しい撮影だったね」と同調。ポールは「ももクロと一緒にいると楽しい気分になるよ。みんな生き生きとしたスピリットを持っていて、生きることを楽しんでいるのが彼女たちの笑顔から伝わってくるんだ」とコメントした。

3月3日に東京・東京ドームで行われるKissの公演にはももクロがゲスト出演することが決まっている。百田は「コラボ曲のほかにもう1曲、コーラスで参加させてもらいます」と明かし「会場を盛り上げたいです。日本で一番熱いライブになると思います!」と宣言。ジーン・シモンズ(Vo, B)は「僕らの新しい友達が来てくれるのですごいショーになると思うよ」と語り「ももクロにはKissの(厚底)ブーツを履いてもらわないと。そうすれば僕らと同じくらいの高さになるね」とももクロの5人を笑わせた。

最後の挨拶で百田が「『夢の浮世に咲いてみな』でKissの皆さんと一緒に世界中の笑顔をいただきます!」と言うと、ジーンは「自分たちはこれまでにいろんなバンドやグループを見てきたけど、ももクロほどファンを愛しているグループはほかにない。彼女たちは本当の意味でのロックスターだよ!」と彼女たちに語りかけた。この言葉に5人は「うわー!」と感激の表情。ポールも続いて「みんなを僕の家に持って帰ろうかな」とジョーク交じりに好意を伝え、ももクロの5人は大喜びで「OK, OK!」「Let's go!」とこれに応えていた。


Momoiro Clover Z is I appeared in Japan conference Kiss which was held in Tokyo today February 21.

From collaboration unit Momoiro Clover Z vs KISS edge that was released the single "Do not try to bloom Ukiyo dream" as, five people were rushed to the conference final stage to the original Kiss. When the peach black makes a self-introduction, four of Kiss also I decide to pose together and shouting "Z!". They Bring Happi of thigh black of goods as a gift to Kiss. When Tamai Shiori says puns and "Are you" happy "?" Four Kiss is willing to cape this, Tommy Thayer (G) told and gratitude "Thank you for the very beautiful gift."

Paul Stanley for this collaboration (Vo, G) is "she who was thought to be great from the time you first saw. Thigh black of performance is a Japanese in a good way, elements of traditional culture such as geisha and sumo It's unique to .5 people each'll feel, peach black music is good music. And we are also doing good music. such two sets not you can what do I Ya~tsu something together beyond the continent and whether there I thought do it, "he told the story. Kanako Momota about impression when you Kiss and the first meeting is "me become immediately get along if you say it first I was surprised to the size of Mr. Kiss" pressure "" Please become friends "!" And smile. Tamai, which back the shooting of video clips that have been made in the United States - Las Vegas last November and revealed to be "I have to listen to the story of your first love", Tommy also "It was a fun shoot informal each other." tuning. Paul commented that "I'll be a fun mood to be with thigh black. Have a spirit that everyone alive, I comes through from Their smile of enjoying to live."

The performance of Kiss that takes place in Tokyo and Tokyo Dome on March 3 has been decided that the peach black to guest appearances. Kenji is "one more song to other collaboration songs, to participate in the chorus ask you to" is revealed as "I want to liven up the venue. Do you think is the most become hot live in Japan!" Declared. Gene Simmons (Vo, B) is "If our new I think it with my friends is amazing show so you come" and speak to "peach black is not have my wearing (platform) boots of Kiss. ​​So both about the same I become height "and we also I laugh five black.

Kenji at the end of the greeting "You received a world of smile along with the Kiss of everyone is in the" Do not try bloom Ukiyo of Dreams "!" Is say, Jean the various bands and groups in the past, "their is Though we have seen, no other group who loves fan about thigh black. They were speaking to'm a rock star! "she who in the true sense. 5 people in this word is "Wow!" And inspiring look. Also subsequently told the favor to the jokes and Pepper "everyone Kana go home to have in my house," Paul, meet the five thigh black with delight, "OK, OK!" And "Let's go!" In this have had.

Naomomo black in appearance before been performed conference in Kiss alone. Paul liven up the venue and hum to "Aruko facing up" as soon as Kyu Sakamoto to podium "We have respect for Japanese culture and history. Tokyo Dome performances's a first time in '14, I'm very much looking forward" Comments and. Eric Singer (Dr) also "When coming to Japan you feel like coming to another world. It is but everyone may not know because I live, all by I'm special" followed with. The answer "I collaborate in large Toro and mouth we tonight" when "next to the collaboration and want to Japanese artists and pop culture of peach black is?" Be asked and Paul from the press, and has invited a big laugh was.


●KISS、ももクロにメロメロ「本当の意味でロックスター」 「KISS」来日記者会見 KISS, "rock star in the true sense" drunk on peach black "KISS" Japan press conference