
27日発売!! 次号「GiGS」表紙に川上洋平([Alexandros])と金井政人(BIGMAMA)、使用機材の比較も The 27th sale !! next issue Yohei Kawakami ([Alexandros]) and Kanai Masato (BIGMAMA) "GiGS" , also comparison of use equipment


[Alexandros]は3月18日に両A面シングル「ワタリドリ / Dracula La」を、BIGMAMAは2月25日にニューアルバム「The Vanishing Bride」をリリース。これを記念した今回の特集には川上と金井による対談、それぞれがフロントマンを務めるバンドの単独インタビューや使用機材の比較ページなど盛りだくさんのコンテンツが掲載される。これらに加え[Alexandros]「ワタリドリ」、BIGMAMA「A KITE」のバンドスコアが収録されるほか、スペシャルコラボステッカーも付属する、両者のファンにとってはたまらない1冊となっている。

なお同誌にはそのほか、B'z、MAN WITH A MISSION、UVERworld、チャットモンチー、ねごと、KEYTALK、WHITE ASH、indigo la End、阿部真央、Galileo Galilei、NOISEMAKER、the telephones、lynch.、BLUE ENCOUNT、VAMPSらの記事も掲載される。

Magazine "GiGS" on the cover of April 2015 issue Yohei Kawakami to be published ([Alexandros]) and Kanai Masato (BIGMAMA) is decorated to February 27.

[Alexandros] is both A-side single "migratory birds / Dracula La" on March 18, BIGMAMA released new album "The Vanishing Bride" on February 25. Talk to the feature you were of this commemoration of this by Kawakami and Kanai, respectively Lots of content, such as comparison page of exclusive interview and use equipment of band that serves as the front man be published. In addition to these [Alexandros] "migratory birds", in addition to be recorded band score of BIGMAMA "A KITE", special collaboration stickers also included, it has become unbearable One issue for both the fan.

It should be noted that in addition to the magazine, B'z, MAN WITH A MISSION, UVERworld, chatmonchy, sleep talking, KEYTALK, WHITE ASH, indigo la End, Mao Abe, Galileo Galilei, NOISEMAKER, the telephones, lynch., BLUE ENCOUNT, VAMPS La article is also published.

●[Alexandros] Kick & Spin live 2014 Lyrics (japanese / romaji / english sub)

●BIGMAMA 秘密 himitsu secret live 2014